OMG, those kids! I forgot about them. So creepy. Ignorance and Want: "most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom ..." Way to warn humanity about the perils of ignorance, Dickens!

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Extremely creepy! I haven't actually read the story in written form before, it's got way more elements of horror than I'd anticipated.

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This is my absolute favourite part of the book. Reading it for the first time, this is where I understood this was more than a classic Christmas story.

The depiction of Ignorance and Want as malnourished, ghastly children is such a gut-punch and that they are attached to the Ghost of Present and not Past or Future makes a horrible kind of sense.

Also, this:

"This boy is Ignorance. Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse! And bide the end!"

I really wish this would not be so poignant in 2022.

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Dickens revealing his skill at being absolutely terrifying with the description of the two children

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Yes, he really missed a career as a horror author. There's a reason this part is in non of the kid-friendly adaptions.

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I like the idea that Scrooge's time with the second spirit goes on for a while, as the spirit aged and "taught Scrooge his precepts". It's hard to convey a montage in written form (and in any event this is all timey-wimey) but I appreciate the indications that Scrooge sees a lot of different circumstances and people throughout this passage. To me it helps better develop/substantiate his <spoiler>ultimate change of heart</spolier>.

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Terrifyingly valid. The horrors of Ignorance and Want, with Ignorance associated with Doom...

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